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Deeply rooted in truth and authenticity,
with oceans of love from earth and sea 


People globally are resonating strongly with a deeper, more natural approach to quality skincare, self-care and life itself.

Bringing focus to products that are mindful of source, energy and in alignment with personal values. 

AMU embraces this shift with everything it stands for by harnessing the power of natural, unique and effective formulas that are created with a passionate, mindful, and holistic approach.


Radiate confidence and comfort in the
the beauty of your own skin,
from dusk until dawn and beyond…


Words from Annalisa - Founder of AMU Skin


Welcome to our story so far…

Reaching deeply into my heritage, I named my skin range AMU. A Sinhalese word from the beautiful island of  Sri Lanka, meaning Raw/Pure. 

Upon reflection, I can see how my journey in life has been an organic progression to AMU.

The influence of my father and mother and other powerful women in the family, who introduced the world and the power of natural remedies to me from a very young age, has always been part of my foundation and my inspiration.


Throughout AMU products you will find inspiration from my life’s journey, and adversities, and from different cultures and their influences. 

We have blended the very best of both ancient and modern plant-based knowledge from the Far East to the Far West. 

Over the last 7 years I have been reworking my formulas, and in addition to my own research and experimenting of botanicals, I also work closely with cosmetic scientists and skin specialists in the natural skincare field, to personally ensure and curate the most luxurious banquet of nourishing formulations, rich in botanical abundance and lab approved… just for you.

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My Sri Lankan Heritage has given me a taste for the spices of life, the exotic, and my soul has always resonated with that tropical island girl vibe and earthy lifestyle.

30 years ago My natural lifestyle journey amongst the tropical coconut trees of FNQ was challenged, when I was faced with two bouts of life-threatening Cancer, followed by an accident resulting in severe third-degree burns.  

During this 4 year duel with the big C, the Power of Natural Ingredients as Medicine, a wholistic approach, lots of Love and lots of prayer, won out in the end & restored my life! (hallelujah) The healing of my burnt skin being restored to its former vitality through my natural topical creams and Oils was another AHA moment. All cases were miraculous, and This took my inspiration to” next level” of confidence in the power of natural remedies, and I became a warrior against harmful chemicals. Most importantly, I was, and still am, left full of gratitude, amazement and a yearning to share.

Fast forward to today, I have been happily married to my greatest supporter & the most beautiful soul for the last  20 years, and have also been blessed with 2 gorgeous & gifted stepsons. My love for my lil family and of the healthy & natural is in all aspects of our life.  


“We strive to keep AMU ever-evolving, unique, intelligent and mindful, attaining natural lushness to your skin and always leaving room for a bit of magic.”

Treat yourself, feel adored and fall IN love with your skin again.

With gratitude & love 


“Where shall you seek beauty, and how shall you find her unless she herself be your way and your guide.”

Kahlil Gibran